Sabahattin Gokhan Ozden博士.D.

副教授, 信息技术
副教授, 计算机科学

Dr. Sabahattin Gokhan Ozden is an Associate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校. 他拥有博士学位。.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Auburn University. He graduated from MISE program in Auburn University Industrial and Systems Engineering Department in 2012. He has a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering and a Double Major in Industrial Systems Engineering from Izmir University of Economics. He is a two times recipient of the Material Handling 教育 Foundation, Inc. 奖学金. His research has been awarded by National Science Foundation, Penn 状态 Strategic Initiative Seed Grant, Penn 状态 Social Science Research Institute, Penn 状态 Justice Center for Research, 澳门威尼斯人官网莱昂哈德中心, and 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 Chancellor’s grant.

Facility logistics, heuristic optimization, engineering education, and model driven engineering.

 Articles Published in Refereed Journals

奥兹登,年代. (合著者,70%),Smith, A. E., & 想,K. R. (2021). A Computational Software System to Design Order Picking Warehouses. 电脑 and Operations Research, 132, 24. 
DOI: 10.1016/j.天哪.2021.105311

奥兹登,年代. (合著者,90%),史密斯,A. E., & 想,K. R. (2021). A Novel Approach for Modeling Order Picking Paths. Naval Research Logistics, 68(4), 471-484. DOI: 10.1002 /导航.21966

奥兹登,年代. G. (合著者,90%),史密斯,A. E., & 想,K. R. (2017). Solving Large Batches of Traveling Salesman Problems with Parallel and Distributed Computing. 电脑 & 运筹学,85(C), 87-96. DOI: 10.1016/j.天哪.2017.04.2001, isbn / issn: 10.1016/j.天哪.2017.04.001


奥兹登,年代. (作者之一,70%),阿舒尔,O.尼迦班,A., & 骑士,维. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Context Choice on Learning Experience via Immersive Simulations in an Object-Oriented
 编程过程. 2023年亚欧年会 & 博览会. (pp. 17).

诺亚,年代. (Student Author - Graduate Student)尼迦班,A.奥兹顿,S. (合著者,20%), & Ashour,呵,. (2023). An Open-Source Video Analytics Tool for Analyzing Learner Navigation in Immersive
 模拟环境. 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference. (pp. 12).

Ashour,呵,.西蒙,A.洛佩斯,C.奥兹顿,S. (合著者,10%),DiFrancesca, D., & 塔克,C. S.
 (2022). A Study on the Effectiveness of using Integrated Nonlinear Storytelling and Simulation-based Learning Game in an Operations Research Course. 2022年亚欧年会 & 博览会. (pp. 15).

Nowparvar, M. (Student Author - Graduate Student)亚朔,哦.奥兹顿,S. (合着者,15%),奈特,D.Delgoshaei, P., & Negahban,. (2022). An Assessment of Simulation-Based Learning Modules in an Undergraduate Engineering Economy Course. 2022年亚欧年会 & 博览会. (pp.

Nowparvar, M. (Student Author - Graduate Student), Chen, X. (Student Author - Undergraduate Student)奥兹顿,S. G. (合着者,15%)., & Negahban,. (2021). 结合身临其境
 technologies and problem-based learning in engineering education: bibliometric analysis and literature review. 2021年亚欧年会 & 博览会. (pp. 18). DOI: 10.18260/1-2--36812

奥兹登,年代. G. (主要作者,50%),Negahban,., & Ashour,呵,. (2020). 新颖的基于仿真的
 learning modules for teaching database concepts. 2020年亚欧年会 & 博览会. (pp.

奥兹登,年代. (合著者,60%), & Velez-Gallego, M. C. (2017). A multi-objective evolutionary approach to improve the environmental performance of a supply chain. 在Kate Coperich, Beth Cudney, Harriet Nembhard (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2017 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. (pp. 229-234). Norcross, GA: Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).

史密斯,我. S., & 奥兹登,年代. (合著者,50%)(2010). 在K. 埃利斯,K. 想,R. 情节剧电影,M. 媚眼(Eds.),
"WEBASRS - a web-based tool for modeling and design of abstract unit-load picking systems." 11th
 国际 Material Handling Research Colloquium, 2010. (pp. 404-418). 夏洛特,北卡罗来纳州:大学
 Industry Council on Material Handling 教育.

Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University
MISE in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University
BSc in Industrial Systems Engineering, Izmir University of Economics
BSc in Software Engineering, Izmir University of Economics


奥兹登,年代. (2023年3月20日). "Augmented Reality to Design Warehouses,澳门威尼斯人官网伯克创业周, 宾州州立银行, 阅读, PA, 美国, 25人出席, 邀请. 区域.

奥兹登,年代.皮莱夫斯基,J. (本科生), & 更加严格,克. (2021年10月26日). "Analysis of Weka Data Mining Techniques for Opioid Overdose Victim Database,通知年会, 通知, 虚拟, 6人出席, 邀请. 国际.

奥兹登,年代.斯特纳,G., & 张,D. (本科生). (2020年11月11日). "Association Between Opioid Overdose Victims’ Accident and Death Locations to Nearest Hospital: A Relational Database Study,通知年会, 通知, 虚拟, 10人出席, 接受. 国际.

奥兹登,年代.亚朔,哦.尼迦班,A., & 在D. (本科生). (2020年11月1日- 11月3日). "Enhancing Teaching and Learning of Order Picking Operations via Augmented Reality,IISE年会, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 虚拟, 100人出席, 同行评审/执法,接受. 国际.

奥兹登,年代. (2020年10月21日- 2020年10月22日). "The Opioid Epidemic: 搜索ing for Information
 Efficiently," ICDS Symposium, 澳门威尼斯人官网, 大学公园, PA, 100人出席,
 同行评审/执法,接受. 状态.

奥兹登,年代.尼迦班,A., & Ashour,呵,. (2020年3月28日). "Immersive Simulation-Based Learning (I-SBL),研讨会中的思考, 澳门威尼斯人官网, 大学公园, PA, 20人出席,
 同行评审/执法,接受. 状态.

奥兹登,年代. (2019年10月20日- 2019年10月23日). "Using Augmented Reality in Warehouse Design,"
 通知 Annual Meeting, 通知, Seattle, WA, 25人出席, 邀请. 国际.

奥兹登,年代. (2019年9月16日). "Using Visibility Graph to Estimate Walking Paths in Warehouses: A New Approach,澳门威尼斯人官网伯克创业周, 宾州州立银行, 宾州州立银行, 15人出席, 邀请. 当地的.

奥兹登,年代. (2018年11月4日- 11月7日). "A Computational System to Solve Warehouse Aisle Design Problem,通知年会, 通知, 凤凰城, AZ, 25人出席, 邀请.

奥兹登,年代. (2017年10月22日- 10月25日). "Optimal Unit Load Warehouse Designs by using Visibility Graph,通知年会, 通知, 休斯顿, TX, 30人出席, 接受. 国际.

奥兹登,年代. & Velez-Gallego, M. C. (2017年5月20日- 5月24日). "A multi-objective evolutionary approach to improve the environmental performance of a supply chain,IISE年会, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 匹兹堡, PA, 30人出席, 同行评审/执法, 发表于论文集, 接受. 国际.

奥兹登,年代.史密斯,A. E., & 想,K. R. (2017年5月20日- 5月24日). "Optimizing warehouse layouts using real order profiles,IISE年会, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 匹兹堡, PA, 20人出席, 同行评审/执法,接受. 国际.

奥兹登,年代. (November 13, 2016 - November 16, 2016). "Towards calculating realistic walking paths in
 仓库:一种新方法,通知年会, 通知, 纳什维尔, TN, 40人出席, 邀请. 国际.

奥兹登,年代. (2015年11月1日- 11月4日). "New aisle designs for order picking warehouses,通知年会, 通知, 费城, PA, 40人出席, 邀请. 国际.

奥兹登,年代. (2014年12月9日- 12月12日). "Optimizing non-traditional warehouse designs for order picking operations," IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, IEEE, 奥兰多, FL, 40人出席, 同行评审/执法,接受. 国际.

奥兹登,年代.史密斯,A. E., & 想,K. R. (2014年11月9日- 11月12日). "Optimizing non-traditional warehouse designs for order picking operations,通知年会, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 旧金山, 加州, 24人出席, 邀请. 国际.

IST 210:数据的组织
CMPSC 221: Object Oriented Programming with Web Applications
ETI 461: Database Management and Administration
PSU 1:第一年研讨会